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Andrea Ferìgo
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Born in Britain,
raised by Jordanian and Australian parents, Alex Nimier aka ANTIX is truly a global sensation. Very much influenced by his diverse upbringing in France, England and America, Alex set out to create music that inspires the masses, regardless of national identity or race. As a child, ...

Born in Britain,
raised by Jordanian and Australian parents, Alex Nimier aka ANTIX is truly a global sensation. Very much influenced by his diverse upbringing in France, England and America, Alex set out to create music that inspires the masses, regardless of national identity or race. As a child, he was taught to absorb creative inspiration from as many musical styles as possible; developing a... love for all types ranging from jazz, classical to electronic. His parents, Gai and Michael, continuously inspired their son and filled him with guidance and support from a very young age. His father, an academic and author, imparted to Alex the ability to always question authority and the political/social agenda of the time. His mother, an actress, imbued him with the desire to be a performer and touch people with his creativity.

These elements, when fused with hip hop, shaped a style that is truly groundbreaking.

But it was the untimely loss of his mother to cancer in 2002 that set Alex on this musical journey. During this difficult period, he sought to discover his creative voice. A chance encounter, led him to British music producer, Glen Wallis of Just Chillin Records. Together, Wallis and Nimier, sought to craft an album (Flammable Grammar), which would fuse together the most intense aspects of Alexs personal life with his message of individuality, love and pragmatism. With Glens tireless support, the unique sound of ANTIX was born. Traveling to the states soon after, Alex moved to Venice beach and in 2009 began working with popular house DJ Bobby Rich. Through his pivotal collaborations with Bobby, his sound was yet again elevated, including cross genre and world music influences.

To this day, Glen, Dj Bobby Rich and Alex work in unison, striving to continue breaking the mold and inspire the fans, all while holding true to the vision and sound, which was born some years back in a makeshift home studio above a Chinese restaurant in London.

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