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ENGLISH He studied classical guitar for several years in Italy then he moved to Los Angeles and attended the Musicians Institutewhere He has the possibility to study with teachers like Scott Henderson, Joe Di Orio Jennifer Batten Ross Bolton Derick Sherinian Steve Trovato David Oakes TJHelm ...

ENGLISH He studied classical guitar for several years in Italy then he moved to Los Angeles and attended the Musicians Institutewhere He has the possibility to study with teachers like Scott Henderson, Joe Di Orio Jennifer Batten Ross Bolton Derick Sherinian Steve Trovato David Oakes TJHelmerich and He attended several seminars taught by Steve Vai Tony Mcalpine Terry Bozzio Billy Sheehan Paul Gibert Dimebag Darrel George Lynch. He studied also composition and arranging.In 2000 and 2005 He won a special prizelike best guitar player in two National competition.He as collaborated in studio with different artists like:Michele Fedrigotti(Morricone Battiato Einaudi),Luca Campioni e Strings Island(Zucchero),Daniel Hendrick(Vancouver Opera New York city Opera California Opera)Sergio Pescara e Gianni Cicogna(Groovydo Kiko Loureiro),Jaymes David(Bass Musicians Magazine)Nicolai Maruhama etc.He also has collaborated with some Ballet Companyon some original dance/music show, with Noober edition for commercial music and with Ice Studios for movies soundtrack. The thing that more like me It's compose music not strictly with guitar , but using different instruments such as strings, piano etc. The music has no limits. ITALIANO Compositore e chitarrista.Studia chitarra classica per diversi anni in Italia dopodiche' si trasferisce a Los Angeles dove, frequentando il Musicians Institute,ha la possibilita'di perfezionarsi con musicisti del calibro di Scott Henderson Joe Di Orio Jennifer Batten Ross Bolton Derick Sherinian David Oakes Steve Trovato T.J.Helmerich e all'interno della stessa frequenta diversi seminari tenuti da Steve Vai Tony Mcalpine Terry Bozzio Billy Sheehan Dimebag Darrel George Lynch.Nel 2000 e nel 2005 vince due concorsi Nazionali come migior chitarrista.Studia inoltre composizione e arrangiamento.Ha collaborato in studio con diversi artisti tra i quali:Michele Fedrigotti(Morricone Battiato Einaudi),Luca Campioni e Strings Island(Zucchero),Daniel Hendrick(Vancouver Opera New York city Opera California Opera)Sergio Pescara e Gianni Cicogna(Groovydo Kiko Loureiro),Nicolai Maruhama etc Collabora inoltre con diverse Accademie di danza per svariati spettacoli e ha collaborato con la Noober edition ,con gli Ice Studiosdi New Orleans e con Rubaffetto Entertainmentper colonne sonore e spot pubblicitari . La cosa che piu'mi appassiona e'comporre musica non prettamente chitarristica ,ma utilizzando strumenti differenti come archi,pianoforte etc.La musica non ha limiti.

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