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Marco Parisi
marco parisi


Marco Parisi was born in 31 January 1982 at Monza. He has loved always the Music and he has started to play a guitar when he has 12 years old. He has played with any Rock Band. Now he have product his first album,achieve all alone. He write the songs in english and italian,compose the Music with Gui ...

Marco Parisi was born in 31 January 1982 at Monza. He has loved always the Music and he has started to play a guitar when he has 12 years old. He has played with any Rock Band. Now he have product his first album,achieve all alone. He write the songs in english and italian,compose the Music with Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums and he sing. Marco Parisi è nato il 31 Gennaio 1982 a Monza.Ha sempre amato la Musica e iniziò a suonare la Chitarra a 12 anni.Ha suonato con alcune Rock Band.Attualmente ha prodotto il suo primo Album,realizzato tutto da solo.Marco Parisi scrive canzoni in inglese e italiano,compone la Musica con Chitarra,Basso,Batteria e canta. INFO

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