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Passion Style Behaviour : Life is this,the DJ who made the taste, not a feature, but a mission. R@y was born in Legnano and mature from an early age to love the sound in all its forms.The first experience of DJ are indeed to be dated in the first half of the '70s, through learning the harpsichord ...

Passion Style Behaviour : Life is this,the DJ who made the taste, not a feature, but a mission. R@y was born in Legnano and mature from an early age to love the sound in all its forms.The first experience of DJ are indeed to be dated in the first half of the '70s, through learning the harpsichord and involvement in clubs and radio still well remembered in the music scene. It's but with the new millennium was born Dj R@y. that dedicate the following years learning the art of djing, starting from nothing and endurance training to achieve his sound, a new sound where the taste for beauty is a starting point for something colorful, bright, a time when the Internet had not yet rooted in the essence of world culture. In addition to djing, my passion and 'to compose Music and Old Songs Remixed. ... Now I think I have told you enough ...Just Call Me for the rest.

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