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Biography: Sleeping Empire is a European Alternative Ethnic Rock Band currently based in Rome that began its new journey in January 2011. Initially known as Thethereal (2005 2010), the “old” band wrote about 55 songs that are now part of the repertoire of Sleeping Empire. The new launc ...

Biography: Sleeping Empire is a European Alternative Ethnic Rock Band currently based in Rome that began its new journey in January 2011. Initially known as Thethereal (2005 2010), the “old” band wrote about 55 songs that are now part of the repertoire of Sleeping Empire. The new launch is a result of the addition of Davy Coutouly and Olivier Verger, who have been playing with a band named Metanoya 1996 2011(current), The multiethnic composition of the group has a touch from many corners of Europe, Middle East and North America. The main trademark of the band is a very strong and defined Mediterranean and Middle Eastern influence. Their scales and melodies have a very dramatic and intense signature. All band members were raised speaking English and only a few of their songs are in Italian.

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