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Mad Italy is a group born thanks to the fusion of three different genres of music. The autors grow up following different genres of mixing and style. These differences are very useful for them in order to create a sort of fusion that is always different, innovative and rich in contents. They are ...

Mad Italy is a group born thanks to the fusion of three different genres of music. The autors grow up following different genres of mixing and style. These differences are very useful for them in order to create a sort of fusion that is always different, innovative and rich in contents. They are related by a passion for music; they decide to realize concretely their dream creating this group, born thanks to the desire to be well known. Thanks to the collaboration of Dia, an ucrainan singer, the trio has the possibility to create a coesixtence of an armonic voice with a ritmatic and original music. The friendship, the passion, and the willpower give the possibility to create a group that doesn’t want to remain in obscurity in the sphere of italian and international music.

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