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Indian CallingIndian Calling
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Indian Calling is a group of great musicians originally from Europe and the United States. Their music incorporates traditional elements (such as original instruments like flutes, drums and chants), along with combining new sounds of synthesizers, electric guitars, rapping and so on. Indian Calling' ...

Indian Calling is a group of great musicians originally from Europe and the United States. Their music incorporates traditional elements (such as original instruments like flutes, drums and chants), along with combining new sounds of synthesizers, electric guitars, rapping and so on. Indian Calling's music has a very distinct sound: frantic deep drum beats or soothing flute melodies, traditions and modern flavors blend together in a dreamlike enchanting atmosphere. Their first album, published for the first time in 2006, includes top successful songs like “Ly O Ly A Le Loya”, “The last of the Mohicans”, “Llaky Runa” and “Canyon Train”. Their last three albums are “Indians” (including tunes like Yeha Noha and Amazing Grace in Cherokee language), “Native American Spirit” and Native Indians. The last including popular tunes like Dances with wolves, The last of his Tribe and Return to Innocence.

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