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Indian Talas on drums, Rāgas on bass and guitars, microtonal loops, metal attacks and Dhrupad Vocals...all in one!!! Ranj was born in 2008 in the Indian Music department of Music Academy of Vicenza (ITALY), from an idea of 4 students of the Indian Music academy. They wanted to mix grunge rock ...

Indian Talas on drums, Rāgas on bass and guitars, microtonal loops, metal attacks and Dhrupad Vocals...all in one!!! Ranj was born in 2008 in the Indian Music department of Music Academy of Vicenza (ITALY), from an idea of 4 students of the Indian Music academy. They wanted to mix grunge rock music with indian classical music. RANJ are: Simona Chalikovaite :::> vocals Vanessa Portioli :::> bass Andrea Sbrogiò :::> drums Andrea Ferigo :::> guitar and sitar

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