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Tony RestaTony Resta


Born in the small town of Lecce, in south Italy, at the age of 2, Tony Resta moved to Peterborough, UK. It was here where he spent the next 10 years of his life, growing a passion to Rap and Grime as the years went by. Being very close to London, that became his inspiration. Since the age of 12, ...

Born in the small town of Lecce, in south Italy, at the age of 2, Tony Resta moved to Peterborough, UK. It was here where he spent the next 10 years of his life, growing a passion to Rap and Grime as the years went by. Being very close to London, that became his inspiration. Since the age of 12, Tony moved back to his homeland, on the border between Italy and Switzerland in the city of Lugano. Years have gone by with Tony's success growing in both countries. In the summer of 2013 Tony moved to Milan to expand his business. 2011 marked the year of The Overflow Mixtape, his first official production featuring 12 tracks and a few music videos of which one of his most famous, All The Time. 2012 featured the production of the GrimeTime Mixtape with another 12 tracks and more international collaborations. Many successful videos were released this year such as GrimeStar and Take Me Away with over 100'000 views, and the video to the track Grime Time released on the 21st of December. Near the end of the year Tony was also signed to the New York promotion agency, IAMPR. 2013 should mark the release of his first full album, The Takeoff. Not more can be said so far about this production. His music, mostly in English, is a result of the two styles mixed together to form his uniqueness. Firm minded, his dream is to reach the top, and nothing below that! A motto which he has stuck by since a small age is: Either you take it all, or leave it for the next champion!

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