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English : Michele Rispoli began in 2004 to produce his music, which reflected his moods, his emotions, colors that fueled his thoughts. The dreams, desires, hopes, injustices, errors, love, happiness and all those feelings that, with a little puff of wind, slightly changing its wavelength. His mus ...

English : Michele Rispoli began in 2004 to produce his music, which reflected his moods, his emotions, colors that fueled his thoughts. The dreams, desires, hopes, injustices, errors, love, happiness and all those feelings that, with a little puff of wind, slightly changing its wavelength. His musical inspiration and its culture are rooted in the teachings of his father, Mozart Dj Claudio Rispoli, and its productions. Then he suffered significant influences from the greats Pop, Rock, Funk, Dance, House. Italiano : Michele Rispoli ha iniziato nel 2004 a produrre la sua musica, che riflettesse i suoi stati d'animo, le sue emozioni, i colori che alimentavano i suoi pensieri. I sogni, i desideri, le speranze, le ingiustizie, gli errori, l'amore, la felicità e tutti quei sentimenti che, con un piccolo soffio di vento, cambiano leggermente la propria lunghezza d'onda. La sua ispirazione musicale e la sua cultura sono radicate negli insegnamenti del padre, Dj Mozart Claudio Rispoli, e delle sue produzioni. Poi ha subito notevoli influenze dai grandi della musica Pop, Rock, Funk, Dance, House.

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